About Us

Guiding Youth to Their Brighter Side

Abounding Rivers works to assist youth and their families in need of support with structure, love, and an empowering environment. wishes to promote healing, trust, confidence, and guidance to transcend our youth on a positive trajectory. Through trauma-informed care principles, objectives, and training. We aim to equip our youth with the life skills to improve critical thinking; lower maladaptive coping mechanisms; and promote emotional, mental, and physical stability both individually and systematically to assure an endless possibility of joyful and fulfilling life experiences. At Abounding Rivers, we work towards emotional, mental, and physical stabilization individually and systemically. Providing youth who have endured various forms of abuse and maltreatment an opportunity to achieve goals and develop positive coping skills, through trauma-informed care principles, is the main objective at Abounding Rivers. Collaborations with county representatives (social workers and probation officers), behavioral health departments, and community partnerships will provide these youth and their families an opportunity to work through previously sustained trauma and decrease the risk of re-victimization.
We strive to deliver comprehensive services to youth through identifying individual needs and providing individualized services to facilitate youth in attaining long-term stabilization in the least restrictive home setting possible. This medium may include family reunification, adoption, foster care, or independent living for youth transitioning from 17 to 18.

Why Choose Us?

We offer individualized care, evidence-based practices, and a nurturing environment, ensuring every youth receives the tools and care they need to thrive and build a brighter future.
  • Our Vision
  • Our Mission
To prepare the youth in our care to meet the challenges of life as independent, confident, self-sufficient adults. Our programs are designed to enhance self-esteem, communication, relationships, and goal setting, which we believe to be life long skills for success.
Facilitate a community-based organization that works towards creating and maintaining an environment that is culturally competent, relevant, and sensitive to at-risk youth through therapeutic, safe, and secure principles and objectives and community relationships.